hey friend!

I'm Jasmine Green

I often get DMs about my Stories and what I am using or what I’m reading from. 

So I’ve collected all my favourites here to share the big, the little and the lovely things you may see me use, or refer to.


Some links on this page are affiliate links. That means I may get a small commission if you purchase through a link. It will not cost more to buy a product through my links and sometimes there are greater savings because I’ve got a coupon code for you!

Most importantly though, I make it a point to only share the things I absolutely love and personally use.

Jasmine Green
Techy things

Apps I love!

youversion bible app
Bible app


A Bible in your pocket! Great for on-the-go use, listening or reading different Bible translations, enjoying a large selection of Bible devotional plans and exploring more Biblical resources and encouragement. And it's all free!

Procreate App
for iPad


I often get asked, "what program are you using for your IG posts?". It's all done in Procreate for iPad. Buy once and download it from the App Store—no in-app purchases for ongoing use. Yay! Draw and design to your heart's content.


My current Bible for study and devotion, The Complete Jewish Study Bible (CJB) is ideal for those who have enjoyed the Holy Bible (like NIV, ESV, NKJV or other modern English Bible translations) for years and looking for new depth and understanding. 

This translation includes Hebrew names for people and places across the Old Testament and New Testament. The name of each book of the Bible is written and identified in both English and the original Hebrew names (e.g. Psalms is also labelled as Tehillim).

When I first began reading the CJB, I did so alongside my NLT bible. And especially when reading Numbers and Chronicles with all the Israelite heritage! While there is an index and glossary of English > Hebrew and Hebrew > English translations, I found having my good old faithful English NIV or NLT on hand made the reading transition easier to get used to. 

What I love most about the CJB are the footnotes, Book introductions and special sections that give further explanation and context of Hebrew words, festival practices and explanations of ancient Jewish context. Suddenly, the words of Jesus make more sense and why He would use a particular analogy during his teaching. I share some of these examples in my Instagram Bible Highlight 

Complete Jewish Study Bible and Lettering


Custom and collaborations for Christian hand lettering

business tools

Inbox Sunshine Email with FloDesk

Use coupon code JASMINE for 10% off all full-priced products at Saint Belford.


Jasmine Green

Available in Australia, US, Europe and internationally.

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